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Douyou, black snake, totem claims—

Noongah kurrajong—sterculia
Carbeen an eucalyptus
Booroorerh bulrushes
Gargooloo yams
Yhi the sun (feminine)
Gunyahmoo the east wind
Kurreah crocodile
Wa-ah shells
Douyougurrah earth-worms
Deereeree willy wagtail
Burrengeen jeewee
Bouyoudoorunnillee  grey cranes
Ouyan curlew
Bouyougah centipedes
Bubburr big snake
Woggoon scrub turkey
Beeargah crane
Waggestmul kind of rat
Wi small fish
Millan small water-yam—sourtop

Moodai, or opossum, another totem, claims—

Bibbil popular-leaved gum
Bumble Capparis Mitchellianni
Birah whitewood
Beebuyer yellow flowering broom
Illay hop bus
Mirrie wild currant bush
Mooregoo swamp oak—belah
Mungoongarlee  largest iguana
Mouyi white cockatoo
Beeleer black cockatoo
Wungghee white night owl
Mooregoo mopoke
Narahdarn bat
Bahloo moon
Euloowirrie rainbow
Bibbee woodpecker
Billai crimson wing parrot
Durrahgeegin green frog.

Maira, a paddy melon, claims as multiplex totems—

Wahn the crow
Mullyan the eagle-hawk