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'Chorus. For brave Lalor——
Was found "all there"
With dauntless dare:
His men inspiring:
To wolf or bear,
Defiance bidding,
He made them swear——
Be faithful to the Standard, for victory or death. (Bis.)


Blood-hounds were soon let loose, with grog imbued.
   And murder stained that Sunday! Sunday morning;
The Southern Cross in diggers' gore imbued,
   Was torn away, and left the diggers mourning!'



Victoria men, to scare, stifle, or tame,
   To quarter-deck monsters are too impotent;
The Southern Cross will float again the same.
   United Britons, ye are omnipotent.


Thus I had spanned the strings of my harp, but the strain broke them asunder in the gaol.



There are circumstances in life, so inexplicable for the understanding; so intricate for the counsel; so overwhelming for the judgment; so tempting for the soul; so clashing with common sense; so bewildering for the mind; so crushing for the heart; that even the honest man cannot help at moments to believe in FATE. Hence the "sic sinuerunt Fata," will dash the fatalist a-head, and embolden him to knock down friend or foe, so as to carry out his conceit. If successful, he is a Caesar; if unsuccessful, ignominy and a violent grave are the reward of his worry.

If this be true, as far as it goes, whilst