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and the ratifications shall be exchanged in fifteen days, or sooner if possible, at St. Petersburgh, where likewise an agreement shall be come to as to the place and the time at which the stipulations of the present Act shall be invested with all the solemn forms usually observed in Treaties of Peace. It is, however, well understood that the High Contracting Parties consider themselves as formally bound by the present Act from the moment of its ratification.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have appended their signatures and seals to the present Act.

Done at San Stefano, the nineteenth Februarythird March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight.



[Final paragraph of Article XI of the Act of the Preliminaries of Peace signed this day, February 19March 3, 1878, which was omitted, and which should form an integral part of the said Article:—

The inhabitants of the Principality of Bulgaria when travelling or sojourning in the other parts of the Ottoman Empire shall be subject to the Ottoman laws and authorities.]

[The same signatures.]

San Stefano, February 19March 3, 1878.


The Definitive Treaty of Peace between Russia and the Porte, signed at Constantinople, on 8th February, 1879[1].

Au nom de Dieu tout-puissant.

S. M. L'Empereur de toutes les Russies et S. M. l'Empereur des Ottomans, désirant consacrer le rétablissement de la paix entre les deux Empires, et régler définitivement, par un traité, les clauses du traité préliminaire de San Stefano qui doivent faire l'objet d'une entente directe entre les deux États, ont nommé pour leurs plénipotentiaires: S. M. l'Empereur de toutes les Russies, d'une part, le Prince Alexis Lobanow-Rostovsky, &c.; et S. M. l'Empereur des Ottomans, de l'autre, Al. Carathéodory Pacha, &c., et Ali Pacha, &c.; Lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleins-pouvoirs, &c., sont tombés d'accord sur les articles suivants:

Art. I. Il y aura désormais paix et amitié entre les deux Empires.

Art. II. Les deux Puissances sont d'accord pour déclarer que les stipulations du Traité de Berlin, intervenu entre les sept Puis-

  1. N. R. G. 2me Série, iii, 468.