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THOSE six pictures on this page are brother Jerry. That one there was taken when he was about two years old, when we were afraid that he wouldn’t live. This one was taken when he was seven years old, when we were afraid he would.

The family don’t talk much about him because he was kind of a wild boy and used to sass pop and mom awful. By the way, did you hear that Rockerfeller gave six million dollars to Hopkins? That means the University and not Peggy. But between the two of ’em the Hopkinses is getting all the money in the country.

Jerry was about sixteen when he fell in love with a girl from a small town in Pennsylvania. Mom used to tell him that no man should think of getting married before he was forty years old. By that time he would be old enough to know better.

That’s a strange thing about divorce and scandals. It’s all from getting married too young. They call me an old maid, but that ain’t because I never had any chances. When grandpop died and left me