Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/123

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It is an early riser and its loud "Did-he-do-it Did-he-do-it No, he didn't" may be heard soon after dawn breaks. This call is generally uttered from the top of some tree, especially the first thing in the morning.

(74) Machlolophus spilonotus subviridis.

The Burmese Black-spotted Yellow Tit.

Parus subviridis Tickell (Blyth), J.A.S.B., vol. xxiv, p. 265 (1855) (Tenasserim).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. This is a darker bird than the last, the green of the back and flanks more olive and the extent of the black greater both above and on the median ventral line.

Measurements etc. as in the last bird.

Distribution. Burma, Siam, Shan States and south to Tenasserim, where it was obtained on Mt. Muleyit.

Nidification. Similar to the last. The eggs measure about 18·5 × 13·5 mm. (Mackenzie).

Habits. Is apparently found down as low as 3,000 feet but generally keeps more or less to the pine forest region of about 4,500 to 6,000 feet.

(75) Machlolophus xanthogenys xanthogenys.

The Northern Yellow-cheeked Tit.

Parus xanthogenys Vigors, P.Z.S., i, p. 23 (1831) (Himalayas).
Machlolophus xanthogenys. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 55.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Lores, forehead, crown, crest, sides of the nape, a bar on the side of the neck, a broad streak behind the eye, chin, throat, centre of the breast and a broad band down the middle of the abdomen black, the longer feathers of the crest tipped with yellow; a distinct supercilium over the eye and ear-coverts, a nape-patch, the cheeks, ear-coverts, sides of the breast and of the upper abdomen bright yellow; remainder of the lower surface olive-yellow: under tail-coverts white; back and rump olive-green, upper tail-coverts slaty; scapulars and lesser wing-coverts black, broadly edged with olive-green; the other coverts black tipped yellow; primary coverts dark brown; primaries white at base, and the outer ones edged with white below the emarginations; outer secondaries edged with bluish and tipped with white, the inner secondaries with still broader white tips; tail dark brown suffused with ashy-blue on the outer webs, all the feathers tipped with white and the outer web of the outermost pair entirely white.