Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/190

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these exceed in size the smallest of those of the Black-gorgeted Laughing-Thrush.

The extremes are maxima, 30·3 × 21·0 and 27·9 × 23·5 mm.; minima 27·0 × 21-6 and 27·2 × 19·8 mm.

Habits exactly the same as those of pectoralis, with which it frequently consorts.

(135) Garrulax moniliger fuscata.

The Burmese Necklaced Laughing-Thrush.

Garrulax moniliger fuscata Stuart Baker, Bull. B. O. C, xxxvii, p. 64 (1918) (Tavoy).

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from G. m. moniliger in having the tips to the tail-feathers buff instead of white and in, generally, having more white and less black on the ear-coverts.

Colours of soft parts and Measurements as in the last, but South Burmese birds are rather smaller.

Distribution. South Central Burma and Siam to the south of Tenasserim.

Nidification and Habits differ in no way from those of the last bird. 60 eggs average 27·8 × 21·3 mm.

(136) Garrulax gularis.

McClelland's Laughing-Thrush.

Ianthodncla gularis McClell., P. Z. S., 1839, p. 150 (Cachar).
Garrulax gularis. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 81.

Vernacular names. Dao-ria phang (Cachari).

Description. Lores, ear-coverts and under the eyes black; forehead, crown, nape, mantle and sides of the neck slaty-grey; back, rump and visible portions of the wing deep chestrut-brown, except the outer webs of the first primaries, which are duller; upper tail-coverts deeper chestnut; the four central tail-feathers rufous-brown on the basal two-thirds of their length, then black; the others all pale chestnut, the fourth pair from the outside partially black on the inner web; extreme point of chin black; remainder of chin, cheeks, throat, fore neck, centre of breast and abdomen yellow; sides of breast and upper abdomen dark ashy-grey; lower part of flanks, thighs, vent and under tail-coverts deep chestnut.

Colours of soft parts. Bill black; irides crimson or bright red.

Measurements. Length about 250 mm.; wing about 95 to 100 mm.; tail about the same; tarsus about 38 mm.; culmen about 28 mm.

Distribution. The hills South of the Brahmaputra, from Cachar to Lakhimpur and the Dafla Hills.

Nidification. McClelland's Laughing-Thrush is resident and breeds throughout its range, the great majority of eggs being laid