Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/200

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1Q2 . TIMALIIDÆ, spotted eggs with the one exception of T. squamatum. which lays theai plain blue. Even the shape of the bills and nostrils, however, varies only in degree, more or less intergrading with one another. If Harington and Gates, and before them Gray, thought it desirable to split up the genus, we have llartert on the contrary lumping under the one name (lanthocincla), Gates's genera iau//iO- cincla, Bahax and Troclialopterma. It must be remembered, how- ever, that in the Palaearctic region Hartert has to deal with only 29 species and subspecies, whereas in the Orienlal region the number is much greater, no less than 40 species and subspecies being found in India in this genus alone. Gates's genera, as given in the first edition of the ' Avifauna,' seem reasonable and are easy for the student to understand, and I retain them in the present edition. In the first edition, however, many geographical races were quite wrongly given the status of full species, and these are now relegated to their jjroper position. A few new species and sub- species have been added to our list, and we have recognized in this genus 12 species and 17 subspecies. Ke>i to Species. A. Chestnut on cniwi; or nape, uv both 2 ei'i/f/iroceji/ia/uni, 15. No chestnut on crown or nape. [p. 162. a. Win<)-.i brifilitly coloured. «'. AVings chiefly crimson. a". Tail black T. pha-nicetim, p. 168. h" . I'ail crimson 7'. vii/nei. p. 170. b'. AVings chiefl_y bright yellow. c". Primary-coverts brown 1'. subunicolor, p. 171. d" . PrimMry-coverts black. a". Tail without while tips T. cijfine, p. 172. [(jdttmi, p. 173. h'" , Tail with white tips T. varieyidwin varie- c'. AVings chiefly slaty-blue T. vni-ief/atum simile, d'. AVings with patch of briglit blue .... T. squaniaium, p. 174. b. AVings dull coloured with no bright patch. e'. Upper plumage not striped. e" . Breast rufous T. cachinndns, p. 17G. f". Breast whitish, streaked ashy T.jerdoni, p. 177. //". Breast olive grey-brown T. henrici, p. 183. /'. Upper plumaoe striped. A'. With a white supercilium T. oiir/afuni, p. 179. i". AVitli no white supercilium 7 Uneatum, p. 180. Trochalopterum erythroceplialum. This species is a very widely extended one, ranging I'rom the AVestern Himalayas to the south of Tenasserim. As might be expected, its geographical variations are great, and it is therefore divided into 8 subspecies.