Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/208

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indistinguishable from those of the last; 100 measure on an average 2&1 x 18.5 mm.

Habits. A comparatively common bird between 3,000 and 6,000 feet, nearly always found in cool, moist tree-forest in which there is a fair amount of undergrowth. Voice, food, flight, etc. as T. p. phœniceum.

(158) Trochalopterum phœniceum ripponi.

The Burmese Crimson-winged Laughing-Thrush.

Trochalopterum ripponi Oates, Bull. B. O. C, xi, p. 10 (1900) (Kengtung State).

Vernacular names. Krang-sheng-maling (Kachin).

Description. Similar to the preceding, but has the crimson of the head extending on to the sides of the neck, throat and supercilium. The lower plumage is greyish yellow instead of fulvous or olive-brown and the tail is narrowly tipped with ochre instead of broadly with orange.

Colours of soft parts and Measurements as in T.p.phœniceium,

Distribution. Kachin Hills, N. Shan States.

Nidification. The few eggs I have seen of this race seem to be rather darker than those of the other races. Twenty-one average about 25.8 X 18.6 mm.

Habits as in the other races, but according to Harington they frequent bamboo-jungle as well as forest, placing their nest sometimes in clumps of bamboo. They keep generally above 5,000 feet and are found at least up to 7,000 feet.

(159) Troctalopterum milnei sharpei.

The Burmese Red-Tailed Laughing-Thrush.

Trochalopterum sharpei Rippon, Bull. B. O. C, xii, p. 13 (1901) (Kengtung State).

Vernacular names. Krang-sheng-kabr (Kachin).

Description. Grown and upper parts of head and neck buffy-rufous; ear-coverts pale grey; throat and lores black; back and wing-coverts olive, each feather of the back with dark edge; rump and upper tail-coverts golden olive; below ashy-olive, more green towards the neck; tail above bright red, below blackish; wing-quills above brilliant and glossy red, the inner webs of the innermost secondaries pure while.

Colours of soft parts. "Bill and feet black; iris brown" (David & Oust.).

Measurements. Length about 280 mm.; wing about 106 mm.; tail about 120 mm.; tarsus about 38 mm.; culmen about 30 mm.

Distribution. Kachin Hills and N. Shan States.