Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/215

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notes are not so discordant as those of Garrulax leucolophus, etc. It keeps much to the ground and to dense undergrowth, and though its diet is partly insectivorous, Jerdon remarks that it feeds principally on the imported Peruvian cherry (Physalis peruviana). It is said to be a shy bird except in the breeding season, when it sits very close and becomes much bolder.

(166) Trochalopterum cachinnans cinnamomeum.

Davison's Laughing-Thrush.

Trochalopterum cinnamomeum Davison, Ibis, 1886, p. 204; Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 98.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Differs from the Nilgiri Laughing-Thrush in entirely wanting the black markings of the head and face; the lower parts are deep cinnamon-brown rather than rufous and the crown is hair-brown instead of slaty-brown.

Colours of soft parts not recorded.

Measurements. "Length 203 mm.; wing 89 mm.; tail 94 mm.; tarsus 74 mm.; bill from gape 22·8 mm." (Davison).

Distribution. Unknown; probably Palghat Hills in Southern India.

Nidification and Habits unknown.

Trochalopterum jerdoni.

Key to Subspecies.

Chin black
T. j. jerdoni, p. 177.
Chin grey.
Conspicuous white supercilium extending to nape
T. j. fairbanki, p. 178.
Short supercilium not passing behind eye
T. j. meridionale, p. 178.

(167) Trochalopterum jerdoni jerdoni.

The Banasore Laughing-Thrush.

Garrulax jerdoni Blyth, J. A. S. B., xx, p. 522 (1851) (Banasore Peak).
Trochalopterum jerdoni. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 99.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Point of forehead black; crown and nape slaty-brown, the feathers edged darker; a broad white supercilium, with a narrow black line above; lores and a line through the eye black; ear-coverts greyish white; sides of the neck ashy-brown, continued back and meeting round the neck; upper plumage, wings and tail olive-brown, tinged with rufous on the tail; chin and cheeks black; throat and breast streaked ashy and white;