Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/222

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Genus GRAMMATOPTILA Reichnb., 1850.

The genus Grammatoptila contains but one species, which may be recognized by its stout, deep and short bill, striated plumage and by the long frontal hairs which reach over the nostrils. It is in habits and nidification near Trochalopterum, and seems to form a link between the true Laughing-Thrushes and the birds of the genera Turdoides and Argya. There are two geographical races.

Grammatoptila striata.

Key to Subspecies.

Feathers of crest not streaked with white; no brown hands on sides of crown
G. striata striata, p. 184.
Feathers of crest streaked with white; a brown band on either side of crown
G. s. austeni, p. 185.

(177) Grammatoptila striata striata.

The Striated Laughing-Thrush.

Garrulus striatus Vigors, P. Z. S., 1830, p. 7 (Himalayas, Naini-Tal).
Grammatoptila striata. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 103.

Vernacular names. Nampiok-pho (Lepcha); Kopiam (Bhut.).

Description. Whole upper plumage, sides of head and neck, chin and throat umber-brown, darkest on the crown, shading off

Fig. 30.—Head of G. s. striata.

into pale brown on the lower plumage; every feather of the whole plumage including inner secondaries but not other quills, with a long median white streak, the streaks larger but less defined on the abdomen and under tail-coverts; quills dark brown, the outer webs of the first few primaries hoary, of the others pale chestnut; tail chestnut, the outer feathers with a minute white tip.

Colours of soft parts. Iris lake or reddish brown; bill black; legs dull slate or slaty-brown.

Measurements. Length about 300 to 310 mm.; wing about 140 to 150 mm.; tail about 132 to 136 mm.; tarsus about 42 mm.; culmen about 25 mm.

Distribution. Himalayas from the Sutlej Valley to Bhutan.