Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/293

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Colour dark brown, flanks dark olive-brown
T. r. guttaticollis, p. 254.
Feathers of the throat unspotted.
Sides of breast and flanks rufous-brown
T. epilepidotus davisoni, p. 254.
Sides of breast and flanks dark olive-brown
T. e. bakeri, p. 255.

(255) Turdinulus brevicaudatus brevicaudatus.

The Short-tailed Wren-Babbler.

Turdinus brevicaudatus Blyth, J. A. S. B., xxiv, p. 272 (1855) (Muleyit Mt.).
Corythociclila brevicaudata. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 148.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. Whole upper plumage aud sides of the neck olive-brown, the feathers everywhere margiued with black except on the rump and upper tail-cOverts; tail rufescent; wings olive-brown, the coverts and all the quills, except the earlier primaries, tipped with a small white spot; lores, a short superciliuiu, cheeks and under the eye deep ashy; ear-coverts the same, tinged rufescent; chin and throat ashy-white, streaked with dark brown breast and lower plumage ferruginous, paler on the breast and centre of the abdomen, darker on the flanks, vent and under tail-coverts, the latter tipped paler; centre of abdomen a somewhat creamy tint.

Colours of soft parts. Iris red or cinnamon-red to dark brown; bill above very dark brown, lower mandible paler and more plumbeous; legs, feet and claws pale brown, more or less tinged fleshy.

Measurements. Length about 140 mm,; wing 60 to 65 mm.; tail 42 to 45 mm.; tarsus about 25 mm.; culmen about 16 to 17 mm.

Distribution. The mountains of Tenasserim above 5,000 feet.

Nidification unknown.

Habits. This Babbler appears to be found only in the wooded slopes of the higher hills where there are innumerable rocks and boulders. It may be found either singly or in small parties, is essentially a ground bird, loath to fly, quick, on its legs and a great skulker. Davison records its call as a prolonged " kir-r-r."

(256) Turdinulus brevicaudatus striatus.

The Streaked Wren-Babbler.

Turdinus striatus Blyth, J. A. S. B., xxxix, p. 269 (1870) (Khasia Hills).
Corythocichla striata. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 148.

Vernacular names. Dao-pufli (Cachari).

Description. Differs from the Short-tailed Wren-Babbler in