Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/351

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ixops. 307 Genus IXOPS Hodgson, 1844. The genus /.cops is very close to Actiiwdura, differing only in having a comparatively shorter tail and the tail-feathers less graduated. Species of this genus extend from Nepal eastwards to Porniosa. In the case of this genus it is not easy to decide whether the different tonus should be treated as species or sub- species. There are four quite distinct birds in which the material at present available shows no intergrading. These are two rufous-breasted birds, one striped and one unstriped, a third striped grey bird and a fourth with a grey breast with brown centres. There seems, however, to be no intervening area in which a half-way form occurs. At the same time no two of these forms are found breeding in the same area and, therefore, for the present, I keep them as geographical races, or subspecies, only. Ixops nipalensis. Key io Huhsiiecics. A. Chin, throat aud breast not striped; [p. 307. head with pale streaks Ixops nipalensis nipalensis, B. Chin, throat and streaked; feathers ot" bead with pale edges. a. Chin, throat and breast rufous with darker centres. a. Upper parts rufous; ear-coverts sil- very-grey I.vups n. ivaldeni, p. 3(j8. b'. Upper parts deep rufous cr maroon- brown; ear-coverts darlv grey .... Ixops n. poliotis, p. 309. h. Chin, throat and breast grey with brown centres Ixops n. dajlacnsis, p. 309.

Fig. 56.— Head of I. n. nipalensis.

(320) Ixops nipalensis nipalensis.

The Hoaht Bar-wing.

Cinclvsoma nipalensis Ilodgs., As. Res., xix, p. 145 (183(i) (Nepal).
Ixops nepalensis. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 203.

Vernacular names. liu)jin{o-pJio (Lepcha).

Description. Forehead and crest coft'ee-brown, with long pale x2