Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/365

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ixuLus. 321 Genus IXULUS Hodgson, 1844. The genus I.tuIhs resembles Yuliina very closely but has the bill shorter, deeper and more carved at the tip; the rictal bristles and hairs over the bill are weaker and less developed. Key to Species and Subsjyecies. A. Nape white J. occipitalis, p, 321. B. Nape without any white. a. A distinct collar round neck. a'. A rusty -yellow collar on hind ueck. a". Stritie couHned to scapulars and [p. 322. upper back; darker I.JlavicollisJlavicoUis, b". Striaj over the whole back to rump; paler I.Jl. baileyi, p. 323. b'. A bright chestnut collar on hind neck I.Jl. harterti, p. 323. b. No collar on hind neck. [p. 324. c'. Crown and back brown /. humilis humilis, d'. Crown brown, back greyish I. h. clarkii, p. 324.

(344) Ixulus occipitalis.

The Chestnut-headed Ixulus.

Siva occipitalis Blyth, J. A. S. B., xiii, p. 937 (1844) (Nepal).
Ixulus occipitalis. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 217.

Vernacular names. Temgjjeng-plw or Turring-ng-pho (Lepcha).

Description. Forehead and crest ferruginous brown; tips of the occipital crest and a bold nuchal patch white; lores and

Fig. 59.—Head of I. occipitalis.

round the eye dusky; ear-coverts white streaked with rufous; the rest of the sides of head and neck ferruginous brown; back, rump and closed surface of wing dull olive-green, the shafts of the feathers of the upper back and scapulars whitish and the outer webs of the earlier primaries hoary-grey; upper tail-coverts and tail fulvous-brown; chin and throat white; breast pinkish brown, streaked with brown; abdomen and flanks olivaceous, the middle of the foriuer paler; under tail-coverts ferruginous.

Colours of soft parts. Iris brown or red-brown; bill black; legs pale yellowish, fleshy-brown or "dull olivaceous " (Stevens). VOL. I. Y