Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/379

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PTERUTHIUS. 335 streams and natural glades. It has the Tit-like habits of many of the smaller Babblers but is very deliberate in its movements both on wing or on foot. Its call is a pleasant double note — "too-weet, too- weet," not often uttered unless the birds are separated.

(357) Pteruthius melanotis intermedius.

Hume's Shrike-Babbler.

AUotrins intermedius Hume, S. F., v, p. 112 (1877) (Teuasseriiu).
Ftenithius intermedius. Blanf. & Oates, i, p. '221.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. — Male. Differs from the last in having the forehead deep chestnut, followed by a yellow baud; the grey nape and black neck-patches are absent; the outermost tail-feathers have a streak of black near the tips of the outer webs; the 1st and 2nd primaries are ejitirely black, the next four black on the base and white on the rest of the outer webs.

Colours of soft parts and Measurements as in the last. The female has the forehead rufous and the lower plumage pale yellow. The wings are edged with green except the earlier primaries which are edged with pale yellow.

Distribution. The eastern hills of Burma from Bhamo to Tenasserim.

Nidification and Habits. Nothing recorded.

(358) Pteruthius xanthochloris xanthochloris.

The Green Shrike-Babbler.

Pteruthius xanthochloris Hodgs., J. A. S. B., xv, p. 448 (1847) (Nepal); Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 227.

Vernacular names. None recorded.

Description. — Male. The forehead, lores, sides of the crown and round the eye dark grey; crown aud nape blackisli with traces of grey; ear-coverts and upper parts green; lesser wing-coverts brown edged with green; greater coverts the same tipped with yellowish; primary-coverts black; wings dark brown edged with green exteriorly; tail brown suffused with green on the outer webs, tipped with white and the outer web of the outermost feather whitish; chin, throat and breast pale ashy, suffused in places with yellow; remaining lower plumage, under wing-coverts aud axillaries bright yellow.

Colours of soft parts. Iris grey, dark grey or grey-brown; bill black, the lower mandible and commissure pale bltie-grey; legs aud feet fleshy or fleshy-grey.

Measurements. Length about 125 mm.; wing (52 to 05 mm.; tail about 48 to 50 mm.; tarsus about 20 mm.; culmen 8 mm.