Page:The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma (Birds Vol 1).djvu/491

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TROGLODYTES. 445 Troglodytes troglodytes. Key to Subspecies. A. Upper plumage very dark rufous-browii . . T. t. nipalensis, p. 445. B. L pper plumaoe rufous-brown, not very dark . T. t. talifuensis, p.446. C. Upper plumage a much paler rufous-brown. a. Wing 47 to 51 mm.,: culmen 11 to 11-5 mm; T.t. neglectus, p. 446. 0. Wing 53 to 56 mm.; culmen about 13 mm T.t. tibetanus, p. 448.

Fig. 88.—Head of T. t. nipalensis

(458) Trogolodytes troglodytes nipalensis.

The Nepal Wren.

Trof/lodyfes 7upale»sis Ilodgs., Blytli, J. A. S. B., xiv p 589 (1845) (Nepal).
Anorthura nipalensis, Blanf. & Oates, i, p. 337.

Vernacular names. MarcheJc-pho (Lepclia).

Description. Upper plumage dark rufous-brown, the lower back, wings and tail closely barred with black: sides of the head, lores and an indistinct supercilium brown with tiny rufous-ashy spots; lower plumage nifous-brown, almost immaculate on the chin, throat and upper breast in old birds, elsewhere closelv barred with black, often with some albescent on the belly and with some white spots on the under tail-coverts. Some birds have a few small white spots on the lesser and median wing-coverts, a feature found occasionally in all the races of this species. In the same way the barri)ig on the sides of the throat and neck varies very much in extent.

Colours of soft parts. Iris hazel; bill dark brown, fleshy at the base; legs fleshy-brown to horny-brown.

Measurements. Total length about 95 mm.; wing 48 to 53 mm.; tail 27 to;30 mm.; tarsus 19 to 20 mm.; culmen 11 to 12 mm.

Distribution. Sikkim and Nepal to Bhutan. Specimens from Garhwal appear to be of this race, whilst those from Simla are nearer to neglectns. Specimens collected by Wiiymper are un- doubtedly ni/mlensis but Osmaston records two specimens of neglectus taken by him in the Northern parts of Garhwal. Very possibly Garhwal forms the connecting area between tiie two sub- species.