Page:The Folk-Lore Journal Volume 5 1887.djvu/252

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Tables are arranged on the route supplied with eatables for the service of the spirit.

If the family be rich, the services of a man of repute are enlisted to accompany the mourners to the grave there to worship the Earth Queen, or Terminalia.

Arrived at the grave, the geomancer cuts the comb of a cock in honour of the hill spirit, to whom, as well as to the Earth Queen, sacrifices are offered.

The grave is in the south, constructed in the form of an Omega, or perhaps better, in that of a large armchair, in the seat of which the coffin is deposited, the tombstone being let into the masonry of the back.

The limits of the grave are defined by two small stones above and behind it.

Stone lions guard the tombs of high officials, and in some cases lofty stone pillars are erected in front or an approach is made between two lines of stone animals.

The coffin is deposited in its resting-place to the accompaniment of crackers, after which prayers to the soul and the hill spirit are recited and burnt by the priests. The following may serve as specimens:—

"I beg to announce to my parent that, since he cast off this world and departed, I have cherished my grief, and shall continue to do so to the end of my days: I have constantly kept in my breast morning and evening, sorrowing in vain. Having divined favourable auguries with thankfulness I am come here to a lucky spot, where the wind dwells and the (earth) dragon's pulse rests. On this lucky day I take up the coffin and deposit it. The form returns to the grave and the spirit to the hall. There they will remain for thousands of generations. May you, now settled in this place so beautiful and desirable, abundantly illuminate your prosperity, that happiness and riches may be theirs obtained by your goodness. Be pleased to regard this."

"I beg to announce to the terminalia of this hill that the fortunate divination of my parent has directed me to this spot, and I now, on opening the ground, respectfully announce it with entire sincerity,