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The Law of Nonresistance

has been picturing. The sick man has pictured sickness, the poor man, poverty, the rich man, wealth.

People often say, “why does a little child attract illness, when it is too young even to know what it means?”

I answer that children are sensitive and receptive to the thoughts of others about them, and often outpicture the fears of their parents.

I heard a metaphysician once say, “If you do not run your subconscious mind yourself, someone else will run it for you.”

Mothers often, unconsciously, attract illness and disaster to their children, by continually holding them in thoughts of fear, and watching for symptoms.

For example: A friend asked a woman if her little girl had had the measles. She replied promptly, “not yet!” This implied that she was expecting the illness, and, therefore, preparing the way for what she did not want for herself and child.

However, the man who is centered and established in right thinking, the man who sends out only good-will to his fellow-man, and who is without fear, cannot be touched or influenced by the negative thoughts of others. In fact, he could then receive only good thoughts, as he himself, sends forth only good thoughts.

Resistance is Hell, for it places man in a “state of torment.”

A metaphysician once gave me a wonderful recipe for taking every trick in the game of life, it is the acme of nonresistance. He gave it in this way; “At one time in my life, I baptized children, and of course, they had many names. Now I no longer