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Casting the Burden

Bible state that the battle is God’s not man’s and that man is always to “stand still” and see the Salvation of the Lord.

This indicates that the superconscious mind (or Christ within) is the department which fights man’s battle and relieves him of burdens.

We see, therefore, that man violates law if he carries a burden, and a burden is an adverse thought or condition, and this thought or condition has its root in the subconscious.

It seems almost impossible to make any headway directing the subconscious from the conscious, or reasoning mind, as the reasoning mind (the intellect) is limited in its conceptions, and filled with doubts and fears.

How scientific it then is, to cast the burden upon the superconscious mind (or Christ within) where it is “made light,” or dissolved into its “native nothingness.”

For example: A woman in urgent need of money, “made light” upon the Christ within, the superconscious, with the statement, “I cast this burden of lack on the Christ (within) and I go free to have plenty!”

The belief in lack was her burden, and as she cast it upon the Superconscious with its belief of plenty, an avalanche of supply was the result.

We read, “The Christ in you the hope of glory.”

Another example: One of my students had been given a new piano, and there was no room in her studio for it until she had moved out the old one. She was in a state of perplexity. She wanted to keep the old piano, but knew of no place to send it. She