Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/154

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they fail at the switchboard they may meet their matrimonial fate. But there are also scores of openings which demand good work and pay good wages.

The girl who uses her knowledge of Laeohhie, operating as a stepping-stone to broader business experience must consider what line of business appeals to her most strongly. If she has wanted to be connected with a publishing firm, here is her entering-wedge. If she pleases the editor or the manager with her alert, quick service at the switchboard, he will lend willing ear to her application for the position of manuscript reader. If real estate has always held a fascination for her, as operator in a real-estate company's office or in an apartment house, she will be brought in contact with the class of men who are willing to give a good woman agent a hearing.

There is no use to deny the fact that the swichboard is far more apt to lead the way to matrimony than to business careers. The records of all telephone exchanges show that an amazingly large number of operators resign to marry, and this, their employers claim, is not due to the traditional charm of low-voiced mystery which clings to the "hello" girl, but because to be a good operator a girl must possess all those distinctly feminine characteristics which appeal—gentleness, patience and good a ale