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Chapter XIX
The Girl the Business World Wants

No matter what occupation a girl may choose as a means of self-support, certain personal qualifications and business-like attributes are essential to her success. Mere training for a trade or profession, or mere education along technical or theoretical lines, will count for little if the girl does not possess the ability to employ her knowledge in the practical, business-like way.

The industrial, commercial or professional world needs the well-trained girl; yes, but more it needs the girl who has good common sense, the girl who is sincere, loyal and capable of concentrating on the work at hand.

And the greatest of these gifts is sincerity which is built upon common sense and which leads to loyalty and concentration.

When you first enter the business world you will meet many fellow-workers who pretend to do big things, to work hard and to have their employers' interest at heart, when, in reality,