Page:The Girl Who Earns Her Own Living (1909).djvu/317

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such landladies as offer board and room for five dollars a week expect two girls to share one room, and one bath is considered sufficient for an entire household of ten, fifteen or twenty. The food is plentiful, but illy prepared. Meats of the cheaper sorts form the important dishes, and bakery stuff of all sorts is served. The bedrooms are not tidy, and the supply of gas is cut to a point so low that a girl must supply herself with a lamp for reading purposes. At some of the better class boarding-houses, neat hall bedrooms can be secured with board for one dollar a day, and for ten dollars per week comfortable quarters with good, wholesome food may be had. The girl who comes from a good family in a small city must count on allowing at least a dollar a day for board and room, if she would live as she is accustomed to at home. In addition to this she must buy her lunch downtown.

I know of several cases where young women have secured board and room, or a portion of it, for domestic services, but to do this one's business hours must be out of the ordinary, and the girl herself must have exceptional strength and endurance. The average working-woman needs every atom of her strength for store, office or factory, and should rest when the day's work is over.

One of the young women referred to is a