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prenticeship which will make you less awkward and "green" when the opening at the big store does come.

Your first difficulty, after securing the position, will be a purely physical one. You will suffer tortures with your feet, and perhaps with your back, as the result of standing.

Have shoes that fit you perfectly, with medium heels, and it will help some if you have an extra pair under the counter and change them during the course of the day. At night bathe the feet in tepid water. Some saleswomen find alum water most helpful. Others use baking soda or even ordinary table salt. Change your stockings frequently, and do not under any circumstances neglect your feet. As a saleswoman you depend upon them, literally and figuratively, for your bread and butter.

Now, supposing that you have served your apprenticeship in the small store, and the time for better business in the more desirable and bigger stores has arrived. Write to the superintendent with whom you left your application a brief, business-like note, recalling the date of your application and the fact that he bade you call later. He will probably answer this note if you enclose a self-addressed and stamped envelope. Or, if you can do so, take an hour off and go to see him again. If you made a