Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/18

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A Gortschakoff, or even a commander
Of enterprise.

Thetis. Then, why let Alexander
Brew the material of a future storm,
By undertaking what he can't perform?
Proserpine. 'March of events,' you see,—things wont keep still!
Thetis. Events have always marched,—they always will.—
Another point,—Isis is going to pay
Th' expenses of your journey:—how much, pray?
Proserpine. Well, as I am by nature somewhat thrifty,
I put the total at about two-fifty
Millions;—but not wishing her to 'smash,'
I shall not harshly press for all in cash;
So, this is the arrangement we have made,—
She mortgages Armenia,—till it's paid.
Thetis. Then, I should say, it wouldn't be far wrong
To guess your lease is likely to be long;
She'll, doubtless, pay (if not on Kalends Greek)
Some Sunday in the middle of the week!
"No land! no gain;—disinterested glory!"
How suits the new edition of the story?
Deem you, Batoum is destined for your Czars?—
Their triumphs incomplete without their Kars?
Proserpine. A mere security! That's settled!