Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/20

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Minerva (aside) Then, when not fearing,
She must be wonderfully hard of hearing.
Juno. I don't know what to think,—you're very kind,—
Hebe. While she's making up her dual mind,
Just say what slice for me you've set aside.
Thetis. (aside) The Treaties.
Proserpine. You see,—there's not much left,—or, to be plainer,
You'll only be in general a gainer.
Hebe. Thank you, but since for spoil there seems a mania,
Why not for me Epirus or Albania?—
I've an old claim on Tunis,—that might do,—
Convenient half-way house for Timbuctoo.
Minerva. Hebe, you still are very young, you know,
There's time enough before you still to grow.
Hebe. Young!—pooh!—don't talk to me in that sage way!
You're the creation but of yesterday.
Minerva. I sprang full-grown to life!—Jove's brain my home!
My title is an old one,—
Hebe. Filch'd from Rome.