Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/24

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'Tis therefore the Propontis bears my fleets,
And "Alexndra" Alexander meets.

Proseerpine. Now peace is signed, what are your ships there doing?
Thetis. They're on the spot in case of mischief brewing.
Proserpine. Had I been Isis I'd have kept them out.
Thetis. Tis not your fault she fail'd to, I've no doubt.
Proserpine. Gallipoli,—why do you keep them there?
Thetis. Why do your people prowl around Bulair?
Proserpine. Why do you want six millions, ready money?
Thetis. You are the last who ought to think that funny.
Proserfine. When will your fleets receive the word to go?
Thetis. When do you hope to quit San Stefano?
Proserfine. I did the work; I mean to have my way.
Thetis. Nobody asked you:—I must have my say.
Proserpine. Provoke me not,—you'll find me quite your match.
Thetis. A Tartar true—on coming to the scratch!
Proserpine. To benefit the Slav is all I seek.
Thetis. The greater reason I support the Greek.
Hebe. Are these to rank the Goddesses among?
Minerva. No. it's decided that they're still too young