Page:The Goddesses in Congress on Olympus-on-Spree.djvu/7

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Dramatis Personæ.

Juno. The Spouse of Jove; allowed to be
Second to none in dignity.
Minerva. Goddess of Wisdom and of Might;
Approved with "blood and iron" to fight.
Venus. Goddess of Beauty, Grace and Wit;
By Pallas, lately, hard was hit.
Thetis. Goddess of Ocean, strong and free;
Holds the dominion of the Sea.
Proserpine. Goddess of Hades; reign'd of old
In Darkness and Cimmerian Cold.
Hebe. Goddess of Youth; inscrib'd of late
Upon the list of "Goddesses Great."
Isis. An Eastern Goddess; once did roam,
But feels in Europe scarce at home.

[All the Dramatis Personæ discovered, standing.]

Proserpine. Now that we've met in Congress, you're aware
The first thing is—that some one take the Chair.
Hebe. I vote for Proserpine.