Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 10.djvu/372

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356 The Massacre of Glencoe.

Two subalterns and a captain, At the head of six-score men.

Swarm among the mountain passes, Cross the rugged Higlilaud glen.

And they come in kindred friendship To the vale of fair Glencoe ;

And they dine beside the hearthstone Tliat they soon will lay in woe.

And they join the joke and jesting, And they ti|) the blood-red wine ;

And in jovial hospitality

With the fated household dine.

But the evening shadows gathered In the vale and mountain pass ;

And old Scotia's bounie Jamie Went to woo her bonnie lass.

And the babe beside his mother Was a-blooming like the rose.

While the gentle god of slumber Every holy eye did close.

But the brave and mighty captain, With his brave and valorous band,

Rose up there amid the shadows With the dagger in his hand.

Oh, how brave ! You see them slaughter Old and young, the bright and gay ;

There a mother with her infant. There a father old and gray.

When can fade such deeds of glory?

When was massacre more brave? Scotland, Mary, and King William,

Thou untarnished by tiieir grave !


��Land of Burns ! I cannot blame thee Land of Scott ! a Breadalbane

Stands alone upon your history As the murderer of the slain ! Claremont, N. H., April 3, 1884.

�� �