Page:The Granite Monthly Volume 7.djvu/215

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K. W. Wll-I.ARD & CO.




���Prominent among the fine blocks in Concord is the Board of Trade Build- ing, located on Main street, c:orner of School. In this block we find the store of K. ^V. \\"illard .^c Co.. who are known thro nhout New Hamp- shire as one of the leading dry goods firms of the State. The above cut shows their store, with its three en- trances, Nos. 83 North .Main Street and 2 and 6 School Street. For the benefit of our rea:iers we have taken pains to inspect the large stock and numerous departments of this store. Also, the Lamson Cash Rail- road, a novel device (used only by the larger stores) for carrying cash from clerks to the cashier's clesk. This is the only one of the kind in Con- cord, and would well pay any one visiting Concord to inspect.

In a single ])age which we shall de- vote to the leading dry goods store in Concord, we can but mention some of the many attractions offered by Messrs. n W. Willard & Co., and only a few things that have led to the success of which they may well be proud. We notice in their store a larye and care-

��fully selected stock. Prominent among the departments are the D/ess Goods ^ Silks, Shawls, White Goods, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, Handker- chiejs, Corsets and Skirts, Small Wares, Domestics and Housekeeping Goods. We could not but admire the excellent arrangement of the goods, which seemed to border on the artistic, but a fact more worthy of mention was the quality of the goods which filled their many shelves and drawers. To maintain the reputation and large trade which this firm has already se- cured (a close inspection reveals the secret) , the very best grades of goods largely predominate. While the de- mands of the trade require that all grades be kept, the firm always recom- mend a good fabric, avoiding shoddy and cheap imitations.

In Silks, P:. W. Willard .\: Co. seem to' have unusual facilities for giving their customers good value. They have gathered suggestions from the leading importers and large buyers of New York, and are willing to compare prices with any house in the country. The liberal patronage this department has received the past season is con- vincing proof that it is worthy the at- tention of close buyers. Their Hosiery and Kid Glove stocks are worthy of special mention ; for variety of makes, ])atterns, colors, and prices they are rarely equalled.

E. W. Willard &: Co. make a spe- cialty of furnishing Beach and Moun- tain Houses, also IJoarding Houses, with Blankets, Cottons, Crashes, Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, etc., at wholesale prices. They also fur- nish pay envelopes [size 3I x 5^- inches] free to any parties wishing them. These are regular specie en- velopes and have their card printed on one side. Visit the store of E. W. Willard & Co.

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