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The Green Bag.


From the Cape Law Journal.

A KAFIR in the witness-box is often a surprise to those who know little or nothing of the traditions of the Kafir race. The ease with which the ordinary native parries the most dexterous cross-examination, the skill with which he extricates himself from the consequences of an unfortunate answer, and above all, the ready and staggering plausibility of his explanations, have often struck those who came in contact with him in the law Courts. He is far superior, as a rule, to the ordinary European in the witness-box. Keen-witted and ready, he is yet too cautious ever to answer a question the drift of which he does not clearly foresee, and which when he understands he at once proceeds, if necessary, to forestall by his reply. As a result, the truth of his evidence can only be sifted by very careful proceeding on the part of the cross-examiner, and by keeping him in the dark as much as possible as to the bearing of his answers upon the subject-matter of the suit. Whether this dialectic skill is innate in the Kafir, or whether it is the result of long cultivation, it is difficult to say, but as some proof of the former, we subjoin a very interesting extract from a book now unhappily becoming rare, viz. Colonel Maclean's "Handbook of Kafir Laws and Customs, compiled from Notes by Mr. Brownlee, Rev. Dugmore, and Mr. Ayliff," which will, we venture to think, throw a great deal of light upon the present abilities of the descendants of those whose judicial customs fifty years ago are so graphically described in the following words:—

"When a Kafir has ascertained that he has sufficient grounds to enter on an action against another, his first step is to proceed, with a party of his friends or adherents armed, to the residence of the person against whom his action lies. On their arrival they sit down together in some conspicuous position and await quietly the result of their presence. As a law party is readily known by the aspect and deportment of its constituents, its appearance at any kraal is the signal for the mustering of all the adult male residents that are forthcoming. These accordingly assemble and also sit down together within conversing distance of their generally unwelcome visitors. The two parties perhaps survey each other in silence for some time. 'Tell us the news,' at length exclaims one of the adherents of the defendant, should their patience fail first. Another pause sometimes ensues, during which the party of the plaintiff discuss in an undertone which of their party shall be 'opening counsel.' This decided, the learned gentleman commences a minute statement of the case, the rest of the party confining themselves to occasional suggestions, which he adopts or rejects at pleasure. Sometimes he is allowed to proceed almost uninterrupted to the close of the statement, the friends of the defendant listening with silent attention, and treasuring up in their memories all the points of importance for a future stage of the proceedings. Generally, however, it receives a thorough sifting from the beginning; every assertion of consequence being made the occasion of a most searching series of cross questions. The case thus fairly opened, which occupies several hours, it probably proceeds no further the first day. The plaintiff and his party are told that the 'men' of the place are from home, that there are none but 'children' present, who are not competent to discuss such important matters. They accordingly retire with the tacit understanding that the case is to be resumed next day. During the interval the defendant formally makes known to the men of the neighboring kraals that an action has been entered against him, and they are expected to be present on his behalf at the resumption of the case. In the meantime the first day's proceedings having indicated the line of argument adopted by the plaintiff, the plan of defence is arranged accordingly. Information is collected, arguments are suggested, precedents sought for, able debaters called in, and every possible preparation made for the battle of intellects that is to be fought on the following day. The plaintiff's party, usually rein-