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The Green Bag.

his subject under the following heads: I. Grounds of Responsibility; II. Deceit and Contract; III. The Limitations of Responsibility; IV. The Church and the Civil Law; V. Trespass to Person and Property; VI. Road and Railway Accidents; VII. Collisions at Sea; VIII. Fraud: IX. Injuries to Land; X. Defamation; XI. Abuse of Legal Process; XII. Infringement of Copyright, Patents, and Trademarks; XIII. Master and Servant; XIV. The Measure of Damages. The work bears the stamp of great industry and remarkable learning in domestic and foreign jurisprudence on the part of the author.

Modern Jury Trials and Advocates. The Art of a Hundred Lawyers. A New Fourth Edition. By J. W. Donovan. Published by Banks & Brothers, New York. $4.50.

This work of seven hundred pages is made up of forty condensed trials, each with the advocates graphically described, giving their art, skill, and eloquence. The cases are selected with extreme care from the most noted trials of twenty-five years. They cover the whole range of jury practice and romance of law. About one hundred advocates like Beach, Butler, Matthews, Storrs, Porter, Graham, Dexter, Chipman, Carpenter, Curtis, Voorhees, Marshall, Crittenden, Brown, Davis, Gordon, Stanton, Brady, Lothrop, Tremain, etc., are described, and samples of their eloquence, with others for ages back reviewed. A large space is given to rules of practice, art of selecting juries and winning cases. Thirty-four pages of eloquent closing periods conclude the volume. Judge Matthews says: "It is excellently made, highly interesting and permanently valuable." "The most interesting book lately written."—Post and Tribune. "That excellent work, Modern Jury Trials."—Detroit Free Press. "There is no work with near this extent of eloquence."—Ann Arbor Courier. "Well edited and exceedingly valuable."—Indianapolis News. "The rapid sale and strong recommend of many able lawyers show a demand for it."—Milwaukee Sentinel.

Tact in Court. By J. W. Donovan, 1889. Williamson Law Book Co., Rochester. Law Sheep. $1.00.

A work of condensed art, wit, and eloquence, illustrated; with Trial Rules, Sketches, and rare incidents. An exceedingly taking work; has reached fourth edition. Last edition greatly enlarged. Illustrated with portraits of Fuller, Blackburn, Curtis, etc. This book has received the highest praise from the very best judges of Trial Practice. Attorney-General Taggart says: "The best book on Trial Practice I ever read."