Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 16.pdf/295

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The Green Bag.

prisoner tried in accordance with the provi sions of the new act. He was defended by Sir Bartholomew Shower. Shower's ser vility in the prior reign had given him the significant nickname of "manhunter/' and he set about his task with disgusting obse quiousness. "If your lordship pleases," he said in opening, "we have a doubt or two to

lordships' justice if, being assigned, we should have refused to appear; it would have been a publication to the world that we dis trusted your candor towards us in our future practice upon other occasions. But, my lord, there can be no reason for such a fear; I am sure I have none; for we must acknowl edge, we who have been practisers at this


propose to your lordship in respect of the trial this day; but before I offer it. we beg your favor for a word in behalf of ourselves. My lord, we arc assigned of counsel in pur suance of an act of Parliament, and we hope that nothing which we shall say in defense of our clients shall be imputed to ourselves. I thought it would have been a reflection upon the government and your

bar especially, that there was never a reign or government within the memory of man, wherein such indulgence, such easiness of temper, hath been shown from the court to counsel, as there always hath been in this." It is a relief to find Lord Holt interrupting this fulsome introduction with, "Look ye. Sir Bartholomew Shower, go on with your objections; let us hear what you have to say.