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Editorial Department.

"Preliminary Complaint, Affidavit, Warrant, Examination," "Commitment and Summary Trial," "Evidence," "Trial," "Motions for New Trials and in Arrest of Judgment," "Judgment, Sentence and Final Commit ment," "Appeal, Writ of Error and Certiorari,"—to mention only the more important headings. Matters relating to particular crimes are to be looked for in other volumes, under their respective titles. PROBATE REPORTS ANNOTATED. Containing Recent Cases of General Value decided in the Courts of the Several States on Points of Probate Law. With Notes and Refer ences. Edited by George A. Clement. Vol ume 8. With Index to Volumes i to 8 in clusive. New York: Baker, Voorhis and Company. 1904. (838 pp.) This volume contains about one hundred and twenty recent probate cases, to some of which the usual excellent notes of this ser ies are attached, as, for example, a note <?n "Paraphenalia" following Mains v. Webber's Estate, 91 N. W. Rep. 172 Mich., and one on "Costs and Attorney or Counsel Fees" following Becker г: Chester, 115 Wis. 90. The value of this particular volume is in creased by the presence of a good General Index covering volumes i to 8 inclusive. THE AMERICAN STATE REPORTS Containing the Cases of General Value and Author ity decided in Courts of Last Resort of the Several States. Selected, reported and annotated by A. C. Freeman. Volumes 95,96. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. 1904. (1059, 1122 pp.) In these two volumes jointly are reported recent cases from half of the States of the Union. In volume 95 are cases from 3-5, Id., 202 Ill., 159 Ind., 109 Ky., 129 Mich. 81 Miss., 172 Mo., 174 N. Y., 132 N. C., ii N. Dak., 42 Or., 65 S. C. 25, Utah and 115 Wis., the more important monographic notes being those on "Liability of Ministerial Offi cers to Private Individuals for the Non-per formance and Mis-performance of Official Duties," "Ademption of Legacies," and "The Effect of a Conveyance or Encumbrance of

the Homestead by one only of the Spouses." The principal notes in volume 96 deal with the subjects of "Application of Payments," "The Reversal of Judgments," "Acceptance of Goods to Satisfy the Statute of Frauds," and "Statute of Limitations in Actions against Officers and Stockholders of Corpo rations," the cases reported being found in 136 Ala., 139 Cal., 75 Conn., 6 Id., 203 Ill., 30 Ind., 118 Iowa, i lo Ky., 173 Mo., 68 N. J. Law, 175 N. Y., 68 Ohio St., 24 R. I., 41, 42, 43, Tex. Crim., 31 Wash., and 116 Wis. REPORT OF THE TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION. Held at Hot Springs, Virginia, August 26, 27 and 28, 1903. Philadelphia. 1903. (822 PP-) This volume, of the Transactions of the last annual meeting of the American Bar As sociation contains, as usual, much good read ing. The principal addresses and papers are the address of the President, Francis Rawle, Esq.; the annual address on "Law and Rea sonableness, by Judge Le Baron B. Colt; and the papers on "English Law Reporting, by Sir Frederick Pollock, of William A. Glasgow, Jr., Esq., on "A Dangerous Ten dency of Legislation," of Lawrence Maxwell, Jr., Esq., on "Examinations for the Bar," and of Professor James B. Scott's on "The Place of International Law in Leeal Educa tion." A CLEAR summary of the French Judicial System and Procedure has been issued in pamphlet form by Bêla D. Eislcr, of the New York Bar. Mr. Eisler notes, in passing, "a curious habit of the French Bar and one which has existed since its foundation, that some time prior to the hearing of a case, all the original documents and papers are exchanged be tween counsel without receipt and with a mere memorandum on the envelope of the number of documents contained therein; on the eve of trial these documents so inter changed are returned to the respective coun sel, and the loss of a document so confided to the adversary's care has never been known."