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T/ic Green Bag.

practical value. We feel bound, however, to protest in a friendly spirit against calling such a volume as this—excellent and valua ble as it is in its own vay—"a complete treatise on the principles and rules of law ap plied" to the subject in hand, for such a de scription imports a dignity and importance to which this book, and the many books of like character which are coming constantly from the press, have no claim. HAMILTON'S CYCLOPEDIA OF NEGLIGENCE CASES. A Century of Negligence Law, Classified According to Facts. Containing all re ported negligence cases decided in all the New York State Courts from the earliest period (1802) to October 10, 1903. Pre pared and edited by T. F. Hamilton. New York: Baker, oorhis, and Company. 1904. (Jxxxi+ 1083 pp.) To the New York practitioner who has any dealing with negligence cases this vol ume will be a time-saver and a book of prac tical value; nor is its value limited to New York cases, although it deals only with de cisions in that jurisdiction. The facts in each case are stated in from one to six or eight lines: the condensing is well done, and the statements of the facts involved in each case are clear and sufficiently full. There is also an excellent one-line index. THE LAW OK CRIMES AND CRIMINAL PROCED URE. Including Forms and Precedents, l'y Lt'Ti'íí Hochhcimcr. Second edition. Baltimore: The Baltimore Book Com pany. 1904. (566 pp.) The author treats his subject under four main heads, namely. General Doctrines, Procedure, Special Proceedings (c. g. Search Warrants, Inquisition of Homicide. Extra dition, Ccrtiorari, Habeas Corpus), and Spe cific Offenses. It is obvious that a full and comprehensive treatment of the wide field of criminal law and procedure is impossible in the small compass of four hundred and fifty pages. This impossible task the author has not attempted; on the other hand, he has written an excellent concise outline of

his subject, of value alike to the student who wishes to get a general knowledge of criminal law, and to the practitioner who has need of a text-book on this subject for quick reference. THE BANKRUPTCY- AIT OF 1898. Annotated and explained by John M. Gould and Ar thur }]'. Blakemorc. Boston: ' Little. Brown and Company. 1904. Buckram. (xvii+266 pp.) Within this small volume the authors have given a concise and useful commentary on the present Bankruptcy Act. with its amend ments, referring in the notes to the various sections of the act to the important and lat est Federal and State decisions which bear thereon. Following the Bankruptcy Act it self are Forms of Bankruptcy and the Ceneral Orders and Forms established by the Supreme Court, November 28, 1898. THE AMERICAN STATE REPORTS. Containing the Cases of General Value and Author ity decided in Courts of Last Resort of the Several States. Selected, reported and annotated by A. C. Freeman. Volume 97. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. '1904. (1139 pp.) The notes in this volume cover subjects of more than usual interest; c. g. Actions by Stockholders on Behalf of Corporations; When the Liability of a Carrier is Reduced to that of a Warehouseman; Effect, as against Stockholder, of a Judgment against a Corporation; Liability of Carriers for In juries done by Strikers or Mobs; What is sufficient Joinder of Husband in Convey ance of Wife's Real Estate: Adjournment of Execution and Judicial Sales; Power of Cities to Create Monopolies for the Re moval of Garbage and Noxious Substan ces; Circumstantial Evidence; Right of Re covery of Employés accepting Extra-Haz ardous Duties; and the Rights, Duties and Powers of Guardians ad I. item and Next Friends of Infants. The cases here reported were, for the most part, decided in 1002 and the first haff of 1903.