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Editorial Department excellent general knowledge of a branch of the law which, year by year, is becoming of increasing importance to the practising lawyer. THE NATIONAL BANK ACT. By John M. Gould. Boston : Little, Brown, and Com pany. 1904. Buckram, (xvi-f-288 pp.) In this handy volume Mr. Gould has an notated the National Bank Act of 1864 (Title 62 of the Revised Statutes of the United States), and the amendments there to, with all pertinent decisions of Federal and State courts to September of the cur rent year. The Constitution and Rules of the American Bankers' Association and of the New York, Boston and Chicago Clear ing Houses are added by way of an apoendix. THE AMERICAN STATE REPORTS. Containing the Cases of General Value and Authority Decided in the Courts of Last Resort of the Several States. Selected, reported and annotated by A. C. Freeman. Volume 98. San Francisco: Bancroft-Whitney Company. 1904. (1112 pp.) The cases in this latest volume of Ameri can State Reports are chosen with the same good judgment which has governed the se lection of cases for the earlier volumes. The principal notes, which are exceptionally full and valuable, deal with the following subjects: Actions for Contribution not Founded on an Express Promise; Convict ing on the Testimony of an Accomplice; Executors de Son Tort; Liability of a .Mas ter to his Servant for Injuries Resulting from Defective Machinery and Appliances: Implied Authority of Wife to Act for Hus band and Charge Him for Necessaries; Practice of Osteopathy, Christian Science, Magnetic Healing, or Clairvoyance as Prac tice of "Medicine or Surgery"; When Mandamus is Proper Remedy Against Pub lic Officers; and Croppers. A TEXT-BOOK OF LEGAL MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY. Edited by Frederick Peter son, M.D., and Walter S. Haines, M.D.


Two volumes. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders and Company. 1903. Cloth. (730+ 825 pp.) This is, we believe, the most thorough and comprehensive treatise on Legal Medicine'and Toxicology which has recently been published in English. The fifty articles are contributed by forty or more physicians of high standing, most of them members of the faculties of various leading medical schools. The text is illustrated with cuts and fullpage colored prints. The work is of equal value to the legal and to the medical profes sions. The wide range of subjects covered by this text-book is seen by the following titles of articles in Part I., taken almost at ran dom: Expert Evidence; Railway Injuries; The Medical Jurisprudence of Life Insur ance, and of Accident Insurance; Medicolegal Aspects of Vision and Audition; The Stigmata of Degeneracy; Insanity; Feigned Mental and Bodily Disorders; Birth and Legitimacy: Medico-legal Relations of Ve nereal and Genito-urinary Disorders; Mar riage and Divorce; Civil and Criminal Mal practice; Laws of the Various States Relat ing to the Commitment and Retention of the Insane. Part II. is devoted to Toxicol ogy, and contains, in part, valuable articles on Inorganic, Alkaloidal. Xon-alkaloidal, and Gaseous Poisons, Food Poisoning, Ptomains, and Medico-legal Examinations of Blood and Blood Stains, Seminal Stains, and Hnir.

A MANUAL OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. IN SANITY AND TOXICOLOGY. By Henry C. Chapman. Third edition. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders and Company. 1903. Cloth. (329 pp.) This Manual is based on a course of lec tures delivered at the Jefferson Medical College, now for the second time revised, and brought down to date. The author was Coroner's Physician of the City of Philadel phia for several years. Part I. deals with Medical Jurisprudence: Part II., with Insan ity, and Part III., with Toxicology. The olume is fullv illustrated.