Page:The Harvard Classics Vol. 51; Lectures.djvu/13

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EducationContinued PAGE
II. Francis Bacon. By Ernest Bernbaum, Ph.D., Instructor in English, Harvard University. 292
III. Locke and Milton. By Henry Wyman Holmes, A. M., Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard University. 297
IV. Carlyle and Newman. By Frank W. C. Hersey, A. M., Instructor in English, Harvard University. 304
V. Huxley on Science and Culture. By A. O. Norton, A. M., Professor of Education in Wellesley College. 309
Political Science 314
I. General Introduction. By Thomas Nixon Carver, Ph. D., LL. D., David G. Wells Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University. 314
II. Theories of Government in the Renaissance. By O. M. W. Sprague, A. M., Ph. D., Edmund Cogswell Converse Professor of Banking and Finance, Harvard University. 332
III. Adam Smith and the "Wealth of Nations." By Charles J. Bullock, Ph. D., Professor of Economics, Harvard University. 337
IV. The Growth of the American Constitution. By William Bennett Munro, LL. B., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Municipal Government, Harvard University. 342
V. Law and Liberty. By Roscoe Pound, Ph.D., LL. M., Carter Professor of General Jurisprudence, Harvard University. 347
Drama 352
I. General Introduction. By George Pierce Baker, A. B., Professor of Dramatic Literature, Harvard University. 352
II. Greek Tragedy. By Charles Burton Gulick, Ph. D., Professor of Greek, Harvard University, and (1911-1912) in the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 369
III. The Elizabethan Drama. By William Allan Neilson, Ph. D. 374
IV. The Faust Legend. By Kuno Francke, Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of the History of German Culture, and Curator Germanic Museum, Harvard University. 379
V. The Modern English Drama. By Ernest Bernbaum, Ph. D., Instructor in English, Harvard University. 384
Voyages and Travel 389
I. General Introduction. By Roland Burrage Dixon, A. M., Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University. 389
II. Herodotus on Egypt. By George H. Chase, Ph. D., Assistant Professor of Classical Archaeology, Harvard University. 407
III. The Elizabethan Adventures. By William Allan Neilson, Ph. D. 412
IV. The Era of Discovery. By William Bennett Munro, LL. B., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Municipal Government, Harvard University. 417
V. Darwin's Voyage of the Beagle. By George Howard Parker, S. D., Professor of Zoology, Harvard University. 422
Religion 427
I. General Introduction. By Ralph Barton Perry, Ph. D., Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University. 427