Page:The Harveian oration (electronic resource) - delivered at the Royal College of Physicians, October 18th, 1886 (IA b2041190x).pdf/10

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and with an exhortation to the Fellows and Members of the said College to search and study out the Secrets of Nature by way of experiment.”

Such are the directions, framed nearly two-and- a-half centuries ago, which bring us together here to-day. Himself a munificent benefactor in various ways to the College, and an ardent explorer of nature, Harvey desired that others should be incited to follow in the path that he had trodden. He was not content to quit life without taking steps to encourage others in succeeding gencrations to pursue the objects which he so strove by his own endeavours to promote. By this oration which he established, and: which, notwithstanding the lapse of time that has occurred, may be said, I think, still to elicit as much reverential con- sideration within the College as at any pcriod, an annual reminder is afforded that keeps his desire alive before us.

Honoured by the invitation of our President this year to deliver the oration, 1 am here to perform the task. Whilst highly appreciating the mark of distinction conferred, I must however, confess, �