Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 3.djvu/123

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KINGS OF NORWAY. Ill of Nonvay costly presents for his assistance. On the saga x. other hand, he was enraged against the Danes, and laid heavy fines upon them when he returned home to Denmark. This strife between them was carried so far that the Danes themselves killed King Canute, rather than submit to his just judgment against them. One summer, when King Olaf 's men had gone round Chapter the country collecting his income and land dues, it of oiaf happened that the king, on their return home, asked fpeasant"^ them where on their expedition they had been best who under- entertained. They said it was in the house of a language bonder, in a district in the province of Lister. ^' There °^ ^■^^• is an old bonder there who knows many things before they happen. We asked him about many things, which he explained to us; and we never asked him anything but he was sure to know all about it ; nay, we even believe that he understands perfectly the language of birds." The king replies, How can ye believe such nonsense?" and insisted that it was wrong to put con- fidence in such things. It happened soon after that the king was sailing along the coast ; and as they sailed through several Sounds the king said, " What is that township up in the country ?" They replied, That is the district, sire, where we told you we were best entertained." Then said the king, " What house is that which stands up there, not far from the Sound ?" They replied, " That house belongs to the wise old man we told you of, sire." They saw now a horse standing close to the house. Then said the king, Go there, and take that horse, and kill him." They replied, " We would not like to do him such harm." The king : "I will command. Cut oiF the horse's head ; but take care of yourselves that ye let no blood come to the ground, and bear the horse out to my