Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 3.djvu/199

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KINGS OF NORWAY. 187 us; for on this holy festival many of your friends sa ga x h. have corae to you, and cannot be cheerful on account of your melancholy and ill-health. It is much to be desired that you would be merry with them ; and do, good king, take this saving advice, — make peace first with the queen, and make her joyful, whom you have so highly affronted, with a friendly word; and then all your chiefs, friends, and servants : that is my advice." Then said King Sigurd, " Dost thou dare to give me advice, thou great lump of a houseman's lad! — thou peasant boy of the meanest, most contemptible race and family!" And he sprang uj^, drew his sword, and swung it with both hands, as if going to cut him down. But Ottar stood quiet and upright ; did not stir from the spot, nor show the slightest sign of fear ; and the king turned round the sword-blade which he had waved over Ottar' s head, and gently touched him on the shoulder with it. Then he sat down in silence on his high seat. All were silent who were in the hall, for nobody dared to say a word. Now the king looked around him, milder than before, and said, "It is difficult to know what there is in people. Here sat my friends, and lendermen, marshals, and shield-bearers, and all the best men in the land ; but none did so well against me as this man, who appears to you of little worth compared to any of you, although now I esteem him most. I came here like a madman, and would have destroyed my precious property ; but he turned aside my deed, and was not afraid of death for it. Then he made an able speech, ordering his words so that they were honourable to me, and not saying a single word about things which could increase my vexation; but even avoiding what might, with truth, have been said. So excellent was his speech, that no