Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 3.djvu/345

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KINGS OF NORWAY. 333 govern this kingdom but a short time in peace and saga xvi. safety, if thou wert to follow the counsels of the heart only." Earl Erling ordered Harald to be taken to the North-ness, where he was beheaded. There was a man called Eystein, who gave himself Chapter out for a son of King Eystein Haraldsson. He was of^ystehi at this time young, and not full-grown. It is told of Eysteins- him that he one summer appeared in Sweden, and the Birke- went to earl Birgar Brose, who was then married to ^^'"^'■^• Eystein's aunt, a daughter of King Harald Gille. Eystein explained his business to them, and asked their assistance. Both Earl Birgar and his wife listened to him in a friendly way, and promised him their confidence, and he staid with them a while. Earl Birgar gave him some assistance of men, and a good sum for travelling expenses ; and both promised him their friendship on his taking leave. Thereafter Eystein proceeded north into Norway, and when he came down to Yiken people flocked to him in crowds ; and Eystein was there proclaimed king, and he re- mained in Yiken in winter. As they were very poor in money, they robbed all around, wherefore the len- dermen and bonders raised men against them ; and being thus overpowered by numbers, they fled away to the forests and deserted hill grounds, where they lived for a long time. Their clothes being worn out, they wound the bark of the birch-tree about their legs, and thus were called by the bonders Birke- beiners.* They often rushed down upon the settled districts, pushed on here or there, and made an assault where they did not find many people to oppose them. They had several battles with the bonders with various success ; and the Birkebeiners held three battles in regular array, and gained the victory in them all. At Krogskoven they had nearly made an unlucky

  • Birkebeinar — Birch-legs.