Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 3.djvu/421

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HOWITT.-THE RURAL LIFE OF ENGLAND. By William HowiTT, New Edition, medium 8vo. with liu-ravin-son wood, by Bewick and Williams, uniform with " Visits to Remarkable Places," 21s. cloth. Life of the Aristocracy Life of the Agricultural Population. Picturesque and Moral Features of the Country. Stioug Attachment of the English to Country Life. The Forests of Ensfland. Habits, Amusements, and Condition of the People; in which are introduced Two New Chapters, descriptive of the Rural Watering Places, and Education of the Rural Population. HOWITT.-VISITS TO REMARKABLE PLACES; Old Halls, Battle-Fields, and Scenes illustrative of Striking Passages in English History and Poetry. By William Howitt. New Edition, medium 8vo. with 40 Illustrations by S. Williams, 21s. cloth. SECOND SERIES, chiefly in the Counties of DURHAM and NORTHUMBERLAND, with a Stroll along the BORDER. 1 vol. medium 8vo. withupwardsof 40 highly-finished Woodcuts, from Drawings made on the spot for this work, by Messrs. Carmichael, Richardsons. and Weld Taylor, 21s. cloth. HOWITT.-THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JACK OF THE MILL, commonly called "Lord Othmill;" created, for his eminent services. Baron Waldeck, and Knight of Kitticottie; a Fireside Story. By William How itt. 2 vols, fcp. 8vo. with 46 Illustrations on Wood by G. F. Sargent, 15s. cloth. " ' Jack of the Mill ive shall not be surprised to find carried the circuit of the kintjdotn, and whirled by the acclama- tion of a million youthful voices to the topmost heights of popularity." — Beitannia. HOWITT.-RURAL AND SOCIAL LIFE OF GERMANY : With Characteristic Sketches of its Chief Cities and Scenery. Collected in a General Tour, and during a Residence in that Country in the Years 1840-42. By William Howitt, Author of " The Rural Life of England," " Visits to Remarkable Places," " The Boy's Country Book," &c. Medium 8vo. with above 50 Illustrations, 21s. cloth. " We cordially record our conviction of the value of Mr. Hcnvitt's volume, and stronirly recommend its early perufal. It is both instructive and entcrtiiining, and will be found to familiarize the Ent,'lish reader with forms of character and modes of social life, vastly ditlerent from anything witnessed at home." — Eclectic Review. HOAVITT.-WANDERINGS OF A JOURNEYMAN TAILOR, through EUROPE and the EAST, during the years 1824 to 1840. By P. D. Holthaus, from Werdohl, in Westphalia. Translated from the Third German Edition, by William Howitt, Author of " The Rural and Social Life of Germany," &c. &c. Fcp. 8vo. with Por- trait of the Tailor, 6s. cloth. " Most of our Tailor's Wanderings were performed on foot, and throtigh dangers and difficulties enough to appal the stoutest heart; but amongst the v.olf-haunled forests of Hungary; the murderous Klephtes of Greece; the horrid vermin of the Eastern Haaus; languishing in the hospital, or hivuuacking in the rocky ravines of the mountains of Palestine, he never loses heart or hope. liia facts are wortli a host of the improving theories of your fashionable tourist Fidelity, simplicity, siirewdness, are the capital merits of his book " — Encil'Iui,r. " He has scrambled amongst the Klephtes, played with the Neapolitan sharpers, brought home a pilgrim's certificate from the Holy Sepulchre, worn out his api)ointed days in quarantine and his weary weeks in hospitals, and, in short, is tailor in ten thousand, to whom the world should bid welcome." — Athenaeum HOWITT.-THE STUDENT-LIFE OF GERMANY. From the Unpublished MSS. of Dr. Cornelius. By William Howitt. 8vo. with 24 W^ood- Engravings, and Seven Steel Plates, 21s. cloth. ' ,' 1 his volume contains Forty of the most famous Student-Songs, with the Original Music, adapted to the I'ianoforte by AVinkelmever. HOWITT.-COLONISATION AND CHRISTIANITY: A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives, in all their Colonies, by the Europeans. By William Howitt. Post 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. HOWITT.-THE BOY'S COUNTRY BOOK: Being the real Life of a Country Boy, written by himself; exhibiting all the Amusements, Pleasures, and Pursuits of Children in the Country. Edited by William Howitt, Author of " The Rural Life of England," &c. 2d Edition, fcp. 8vo. with 40 Woodcuts, 8s. cloth. HUDSON.-PLAIN DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING WILLS In Conformity with the Law, and particularly with reference to the Act 7 Will. 4 and 1 Vict, c. 26. To which is added, a clear Exposition of the Law relating: to the distribution of Per- sonal Estate in the case of Intestacy; with two Forms of Wilis, and much useful information, &c. By J. C. Hudson, of the Legacy Duty Office, London. 12th Edition, corrected, with notes of cases judicially decided since the above Act came into operation. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. fid. HUDSON.-THE EXECUTOR'S GUIDE. By J. C. Hudson. Tiiird Edition, fcp. 8vo. 5s. cloth.

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