Page:The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway Vol 3.djvu/88

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76 CHRONICLE OF THE SAGA IX. they met Earl William, who received Harald and his company gladly. Harald remained there late in harvest, and was hospitably entertained; for the stormy weather continued, and there was no getting to sea, and this continued until winter set in ; so the earl and Harald agreed that he should remain there all winter. Harald sat on the high seat on one side of the earl ; and on the other side sat the earl's wife, one of the most beautiful women that could be seen. They often talked together for amusement at the drinking-table ; and the earl went generally to bed, but Harald and the earl's wife sat long in the even- ings talking together, and so it went on for a great part of the winter. In one of their conversations she said to Harald, " The earl has asked me what it is we have to talk about so much, for he is angry at it." Harald replies, " We shall then at once let him know all our conversation." The following day, Harald asked the earl to a conference, and they went together into the conference-chamber ; where also the queen was, and some of the councillors. Then Ha- rald began thus : — " I have to inform you, earl, that there lies more in my visit here than I have let you know. I would ask your daughter in marriage, and have often spoken over this matter with her mother, and she has promised to support my suit with you." As soon as Harald had made known this proposal of his, it was well received by all who were present. They explained the case to the earl ; and at last it came so far, that the girl was contracted to Harald ; but as she was very young, it was resolved that the wedding should be deferred for some years. When spring came Harald rigged his ships, and set off ; and he and the earl parted with great friendship. Harald sailed over to England to King Edward, but did not return toYalland to fulfil the marriage agree- ment. Edward was king over England for twenty- Chapter LXXIX. King Edward's death.