Page:The History of San Martin (1893).djvu/528

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San Martin—continued.

Rancagua, 218; is appointed generalissimo of the united army, 219; on the eve of sailing he issues a proclamation to his fellow-countrymen, 230; the instructions given him by the Chilian Government, 231; his plan of campaign, 231; he lands at Pisco, 232; treats with the Viceroy, 233; he establishes by decree the flag and escutcheon of the Republic of Peru, 234; re-embarks, leaving Arenales behind him, 234; his plans, political and military, 234; he sails past Callao, 235; lands a detachment at Ancon, 235; and sails for Huacho, 240; lands and encamps in the valley of Huara, 240; the "Numancia" battalion deserts to him, 242; he is joined by the northern provinces, 243; he advances to Retes, 243; is joined by Arenales, and retires, 244; he publishes a "Provisional Regulation," 244; is invited to a conference by La Serna, 250; he arranges an armistice, 257; and meets the Viceroy, 257; he enters Lima, 259; recalls Arenales from the Highlands, 264; he sends Cochrane and Miller to the south, 266; his position, 271; he convenes a meeting of citizens, 272; and adopts the title "Protector of Peru," 274; he issues rigorous decrees against the Spaniards, 275; the Royalists attempt to relieve Callao, 278; he sees Cochrane for the last time, 280; he declines to attack Canterac, 280; he organises a Peruvian army, 283; institutes the "Order of the Sun," 283; the municipality of Lima gives a subsidy to the officers of the army, 284; he discovers a conspiracy against him, 284; his ideas of legislation, 285; his dispute with Cochrane, 287; he summons a Congress, 293; sends another expedition to Ica, 293; attempts to treat with the Viceroy, 295; he sends a contingent to assist Sucre, 410; sails to Guayaquil, 421; he meets Bolívar, 421; his conference with him, 422; he returns to Peru, 423; his opinion of Bolívar, 423; his letter to Bolívar, 425; his letter to O'Higgins, 427; he draws up a plan for a new campaign, and opens the first Congress of Peru, 428; his abdication, 428; leaves Peru for ever, 429; and retires to Mendoza, 429; he organizes an auxiliary force, 436; he is besought to return to Peru, 440; returns to Buenos Ayres, 471; goes to Europe, 472; returns to be insulted, and goes back, 472; is assisted by Aguada, 473; he bequeaths his sword to Rozas, 474; his death, 474; his remains are brought back to Buenos Ayres, 474

San Martin, Maria Mercedes de, 149, 199, 472, 474

Santa Cruz, 410, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 65

Santander, 387, 393, 394, 398, 450, 453, 461, 466, 468

Saraza, 352, 368, 372, 373, 376, 381, 382, 384, 387

Sequence of causes, the, 418

Ships burned at Callao by Guise, 448

Siege of Callao, 272, 273, 280, 282, 458

———— Cartagena, 360, 361, 401, 404

———— Chilián, 100

———— Cumaná, 374

———— Puerto-Cabello, 334, 335, 340, 348, 349

———— Rancagua, 107

———— San Fernando, 374, 377

———— Talcahuano, 155, 156

———— Valencia, 348

Skeenen, 391