Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. I.djvu/345

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every one, and something for all, and that altogether—every individual one has got a like share in the father's property, and that he thought alike tenderly of them all;—then they see that he loved them all equally; that he wished them all equally well:—and then, my friends,—if we were these children, and if we all of us had obtained this inheritance in the father's house, should we not, all of us, love this father and understand his love for us and obey his commands?”

“Yes! yes! Oh, yes! Glory! Glory! Amen!” shouted the assembly with beaming glances and evident delight.

The speaker continued in his good-tempered, naïve manner, and described to them the happy life and death of a pious Christian, a true child of God. He himself, the speaker, had been the witness of such a man's death, and although this man was a sailor, without superior education, and though he made use of the expressions which belonged to his calling, yet they testified of so clear a spiritual life, that even now, after his death, they might testify of it before this assembly. The man had been long ill of fever, which had deprived him of consciousness. He appeared to be dying, and his relations stood round his bed believing that they should never more hear his voice, and waiting merely for his last sigh, for he lay as if in a sleep of death. But all at once, he opened his eyes, raised his head, and cried, in a strong joyful voice, “Land a-head!” After that his head sank down, and they thought it was all over with him. But again he looked up and cried, “Turn, and let go the anchor!” Again he was silent, and they believed he would be so for ever. Yet once more however he looked up brightly and said, with calm assurance, “All's well!” And then he was at peace.

“Amen! Amen! Glory and glory!” cried the assembly, and never did I see such an expression of joy