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If any part of this sweeping catastrophe be left unfulfilled. I am sure, that the exception will be in favour of the glory springing from great and virtuous actions, and the lustre that diffuses itself around genius and industry, successfully exerted to instruct and benefit mankind. Nor is my imagination so cheerless as to apprehend the consignment of these things to dark oblivion, even were there no mortal spared to express his admiration of them : assuredly, some other forms of intelligence would still exist to hold in just estimation all that had been great, wise, and beautiful in the annihilated creation.

The celebrated bard himself is, I think, not unlikely to prove the truth of this expectation; for, though his corporeal frame is dissolved, who shall say, that the fine effusions of his mind shall ever cease to be admired? Or, that taste and the love of nature shall ever die? The same thing may be anticipated, with respect to the great individual, whose brilliant services in the cause of science we are this day assembled to commemorate. John