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Thofe marked f, are Subjeribers for Copies on fine Paper. His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Groucesrer. Her Royal Highnels the Durcuess of Gioucezsrer.

Lord Apfley

Lord Alva, f.

Lady Anderfon, York

The Rt, Hon. Henry Addington, Spcaker of the Houfe of Commons, f.

The Hon, Sir Wm. Afhhurft, Kne.

John Hiley Addington, Efq; Clevehill near Lriftol, f.

Francis Annefley, Efq; M.P.

Sir Rowland Alfton, Bart.

John Aubrey, Efq;

W., Aiken, Efq;

John William Adam, Efq; Crutched Friars, f.

George Anfon, Efq;

Matthew Robert Arnott, Efq; f, two copies

"Robert Alexander, Efq;

The Rev. Mr. Gilbert Auften

Mr. George Adams, Fleet ftreet

Mr. Wm, Andrews, Olney, Bucks

Anonymous, f.

——, by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Bodham

—, by Mifs Johnfon

——, by Mr. John Johnfon

——, by the fame

——, by the fane


The Dutchefs of Buccleugh

"The Marquis of Buckingham

'rhe Earl of Befborough, f.

'The Ear! of Barrymore,

Earl Beétive, of Beétive Caftle, Ireland, f. Lord Brownlow, f.

Lord Bagot, two copies, f.

Lady Bagot, f.

Vifcount Bayham

'The Lord Bithop of Briftol

The Lord Bithop of Bangor

"The Rev. Waltcr Bagot, ten copies, f.

The Hon, Mrs. Bofcawen, four copies

Lieut. Gen, Sir R. Boyd, K. B. f.

Str Patrick Blake, Bart. f.

The Rey. Dr. Buller, Dean of Canterbury, f.

The Rev. Mr. Byrche, Canterbury

The Rev. Robert Beaumont, Rector of Helmingham, Suffolk, f.

The Rev. James Buck, A.M. Fellow of Caius' College, Cambridge

'The Rev. Mr. Buxton, Carlton Rode, Norfolk

The Rev, Mr. John Brinkiey, A.M. Fellow of Caius' College, Cambridge, and Profeilor of Aftronomy, Dublin

The Rev. W. Bull, Newport-Pagnell

The Rev. Thomas Bodham, f.

Dr. Budd, Chatham-{quare

Mrs. Browne, Upper Brook-ftreet

'The Hon. Mrs. Bourverie, f

Mifs Benjon

Launcelot Brown, Efq;

Tho. Barrett, Efq,; Lee in Kent

John Bacon, Efg; R.A.

Henry Bankes, Efq;

J. F. Barham, Efq; f.

William Davenport Bromley, Eig; Baginton, Warwickhhire, f.

Montague Burgoyne, Ef; f.

W. Blake, Efq;

Iiaac Hawkins Browne, Efq; two copies, f

William Burgh, Efqg; York

Charles Butler, Ef; Lincoln's-Inn, f.

Henry Beevor, Liq; Caius' College, Cambridge, f.

Kir, Cha, Burney, Hamme: finith

Mr. Robert