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The Independent Hindustan

A Monthly Review of Political, Economic,
Social and Intellectual Independence of India

Vol. I
San Francisco, December, 1920
No. 4


Revolt of the Students

ONE of the most important planks in the Non-Cooperation program promulgated by the people of India is the boycott of the British Universities, Schools and Colleges, and the establishment of National Universities exclusively under national control. In conformity to the decision and desires of the people, the students of the great Aligarh College have revolted and demanded that the College must sever all connection with the British government and refuse any financial aid. As the British government threatened the Trustees of the College, Mr. Mohammed Ali, an Alumni and leader of the people, urged the students to take possession of several buildings. The revolutionary students, after taking control of buildings, formed a nucleus of a new National University.

The actual fight, however, ensued between the students and the British officials. When the students were forcibly evicted, they occupied several bungalows and tents where the National University functions its machinery.

Being inspired by the success of the Aligarh revolution, the students all over India are forming brotherhoods, and demanding the school authorities to break every connection with the British government. The student revolt is spreading far and wide in India.

The significance of this revolt lies in the fact that these students will swell the rank of the revolutionaries, and carry on the program of the bloodless revolution plan. The youthful enthusiasm, vigorous optimism, spirit of sacrifice, and vivid vision are needed to-dey to steer the Indian National Solidarity. The students of Aligarh are to be congratulated for the logical lead they have taken, not only to destroy the obsolete, old and non-progressive system of British education, but also to build up National Institutions which will feed the youths of India with sound, rational and healthy knowledge. It is to be hoped that the students will go among the masses and offer their services to educate and enlighten them and ameliorate their conditions.

The National Council of Education

Fifteen years ago, as a result of the British divide el impera policy, the students revolted and forced their parents to establish national educational system.

On the 16th of November, 1905, several leading citizens met in a conference at Calcutta to consider the question of National Education. Over 15,000 students marched in a body to await the decision of the conference. It was declared that a National Council of Education should be at once established to organize a system of Education—Literary, Scientific and Technical—on National lines and under National control.

The students triumphantly went to put a sign—TO LET—on the premises of the Presidency College, the chief governmental institution in Calcutta. The Government University was termed as Golám Kháná—manufactories of slaves.

Through the lead and action of the students, on the 1st of June, 1906, the National Council of Education was finally registered. The objects of which were:

To impart and promote the imparting of Education—Literary and Scientific, as well as Technical and Professional—on National lines and exclusively under National control, attaching special importance to a knowledge of the country, its Literature, History and Philosophy, and designed to incorporate with the best Oriental ideals of life and thought, the best assimilable ideals of the West and to inspire students with a genuine love for and a real desire to serve the country.

The National Educational movement has done inestimable service to the growth and development of national spirit in India. The students of National Colleges and Schools have taken very important part in all political activities. With their far-sightedness, intelligence, character and power of organization, they have guided the revolutionary movement. And the present day revolt of the students beckons the day of the realisation of their cherished ideals. The British rule in India is coming to an end, and India, with her genuine cosmopolitan ideals will occupy a prominent place among the comity of nations. And when that day comes, the National Educational movement will shine gloriously as one of the achievements of the Revolutionary movement.