Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/125

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112 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. [Aitul, 1875. be celebrated for great exploits : that he would c-i luijuer his enemies, enconrage the practice of wisdom, and become a Maharfijadhiraja. Darkbha Raja and his elder brother Vallabha Raja pursned their studies together, and had great affection for each other, setting their father before them as an example. Afterwards Cha- mand Raja had a third son, named IS" a g a R iija. Once on a time Chamand Raja, inflamed by J ' Bensnal passion, did wrong to his sister Chilch in i Devi : to expiate this sin he placed Vallabha Raja on the throne, and went on a pilgrimage to Kusi. By the way the Raja of Malwa took from him the umbrella, cMm/ir, and other insignia of royalty. Chamand, having accom- plished his pilgrimage to Kiisi, returned to Pattan, and said to Vallabha Raja — " If you are ray son, go and punish the Malwa Raja." In obedience to thi9 order, Vallabha Raja, taking his army, advanced towards Malwa. On his way to Malwa several kings, bringing presents in their hands, came to meet Vallabha Raja. They said to him — " Going by this route -> thePa rnparariverandtheSindhnsindhu river must be crossed : therefore be pleased to take the way ofKuntaladesa,* and you will not have to cros s th ese rivers. ' ' Then he went by that road. Afterwards, as fate had decreed, Vallabha liaja was afflicted in his person with the disease called stlald (small -pox), which no physician was able to cure. Then Vallabha Raja, aban- doning the hope of battle, began to pray to Parmesvara and to perform religious rites. The Pradhtin and the Senapati then said to Val- labha RAja — " Let us now return to Anahilla- par:" and Vallabha Raja replied— "If at this time you do not manage with great care, you will cause the loss of the throne of Anahiljapnr to my race. Wherefore, without allowing the news of my death to get abroad, do yon go back to Anahillapnr." Saying thus, Vallabha Raja sent the army back and died there (a.d. 1010). With great sorrow the army returned home, and entered Patfcan, and with deep grief related the whole matter to Raja Chamand. For his son the Raja lamented much. Then, in order to depart to Snkla Tirtha to perform penances, 1 the Raja seated Dnrlabha on the throne, and • Part of Belfirf or Adtffinl ? eee As. Res. vol. IX. p. 435. retired to Snkla Tlrtha,t on the banks of the Narmada, where he died. After that Dnrlabha Raja managed the affairs of the kingdom after a good fashion. This Dnrlabha Raja bravely conquered the Asnras, and performed religious acts, building temples, &c. Sri JmesvaraSuri gave instructions to this Dnrlabha Raja : therefore, being informed in the rudiments of the Jaina religion, he tra- velled in the good way of pity for living things. After this Durlablia Riija's sister, as a Swa- yamvara, chose Mahendra, the Raja of Marwad, for her husband. According to the practice of his ancestors, this Dnrlabha also employed himself in defeat- ing his enemies, &c. Once it happened that Dnrlabha Raja went in great splendour into Marvaddesa, tothe Raja of N a d u 1 d e b a , anil to the city of M a h e n d r a R a j a . Then Mahendra Raja advanced many kus to meet him, received him with due respect, and laid presents before him. DurlabhaRaja wished to marry Mahendra Raja's sister. Dnrlabha was exceedingly hand- Bome : the Swayamvara-mandapa was erected for the nuptials of Mahendra Raja's sister: into the mandapa Dnrlabha entered and seat- ed himself, wherefore the Swayamvara-mandapa appeared very splendid. Many other kings also graced the mandapa with their pre- sence. Into that assembly came Dnrlabha D e v i, the sister of Mahendra Raja, to select as bridegroom him that pleased her. She was attended by a chobdir'i wife, who, naming the Rajas, enabled her to recognize them. When they saw D nrl a b h a D o v 1, each of the 1 1 wished in his heart that the damsel would speedily select him. In this assembly were the Rajas of An gade sa, of Kas i, of Ojjai n a, of Vaidldesa, of Knrudesa, of MA- thuradesa,of Andradesa. The Chob- dat'fl wife kept telling the Knnvari of th. tions of all these Rajas; afterwards she said to her, —"This is the king of G u j ar a t d e a a, in whoso country Lakshmt and Sarasvati dwell together in union : this king's name is Dnr- labha Raja— the meaning of which is that she who has performed much penance will ob- tain him. Your name too is Dnrlabha Devi, therefore there is a union of the t Near Bli&rnch.