Page:The Indian Antiquary, Vol. 4-1875.djvu/381

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860 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. PfoTtMHK, lR"fi> I. — 0»i /A* Gambaa o/Khevfjah M*ft»tt*imd •■■>*. »w**f «jL±J jr oya.>l» 3 ji- jj <£if cfi*-^ j f ** *=**ld «^Dj J* I j-&* t^j*?* i> *jf ***** J *^ j jj& The Durg&h of the worker of Kernmpt* l propttiou* hour, to the people a pTuee for pilgrim- age, where their JifEcuUiva ore solved. l>iffl» ' ■ 1 1 1 1 i Qi bceuiuu isisy to these Xak*hben 41 K ho vil - juks ; the Royal KhoviVjah it a. tnmer away of mtMnitiMt by grace and blessing ; when he$ arrived in hid wanderings and travelling* front Bokhara, tbo mauifitfftor of the posde&nort of tJiu VelAyet§ enjoyed glory and pump. Kiinul Marif]] built ibix mansoleum in tlio aubuidaiu year 1070 of tbo uxile" [_K-59-G0]. If.-— On the tturg&h nf Kh/nrajah Muhammad ol**jj* J ** L« *+** **dj** oj^ llfj* crff C/i> VllAJjy ^.U*~*J u^AJljlf* to-l^

  • ^J7** u.^* £** J** t***l i^yjJl w-* (* Uf

4*|^i ti^j ^j* t^l*A»Tjf i^j« M& ij^jS ^jptjJljl* j *_**_,* ^J *JJ| ^^-ai i LI ,*.«* u The DnrgAh of His Excellency Khov Muhammad Sudtls son of Hw Excellency Kutb- .11,, ,■ '.:■■ Saj yid Knbjammd B »kbi ■/.. b wru n* Khovajah Rolu-rtl-ilio Nakshbeudi*. b< Ifis Excellency Emnm Hasan Al«ikri Kkihy, in reality a Shnifcl yf tbo religion known an KurUiy, in a protection from tlio mirforttuie* of fcha times,, by the nobility of I bo Khu Muhammad Shell. AsBtfttnnro from God, ami ft And do tbou bear good tidingti to the true believers, "t III.— On lh# Friday Mraqm*. ^Estabbaliad by divine favour A. H. UltF' [1707-8]. MISCELLANKA, SiOHAK In the jixfM^idry (rob ill. p 1 ]rt^ T find « r|,iury hy (kiloiifll Vnlo as to Sagbnr« n placi' Tifltted by Ibw BtitAlj* ou iua way from XanrlurhAr in Kbnn> de*h to Khambay. ■ '.TUiinly 8 on g h m r (or Songn 1 1 1 1 f i . on tbo Tapti, in 21* JK N. latitude : and 73 ■ E, longir ibouta. I have not toon the place, but know ft by repute as n station on MlDh from KliAauenti L«> Gujarflt. On the map it U«4» rnthar a roundabout way fruiu Nan-

  • Tin- cmrnclra worktid bf laliitff are imninl * Ker4to»t.*

■ml .wpnu- to tu>td «u bnwiu(«luti#- pcwit-Kra tietiwcn the • Aa&t biwI the • ILu'ji&t , ' Uw f.inn.rr twiner inferior, and th* litter nptriar to tlir- KcrnrnAi. t Tin i •jin-aditf of Um pe«r*r «f mrnn ■tinsi rauMid 1" "'i" ^'"" Mr hntewwl on tb*to to nfmuiM imUmilin that bmul peopta. Ow> ef flw CviDBrMttliMt uf <lrt»»rt<-J mint' mi wtwmi KhoT^di n^bt-al^Iui NnUhbaodi hid a fiataq, mM In him j— ^j*J *f *^i| l^jJf '***' i^ uT i4 ft^ C»J jJ ^ jl ^ Jjb "They Iim butowwl «e titan th« fttiKrar {kmltntti tint rnUmm^ whkh lave l»p. p*ta«4 «houW bfl nuAied liy thy hle«if :"— ,Vu/( •<ef. a- f f'v ] Tiw boiwriflff ' they,' iu*d *U,. b Hiadwtiol, M*dUhi f thgariti, 4c, 1 haro txuakUnJ by be' rturbdr to Ktuimbmj; but the ahnrte«t wit ncnnc. lying in thie in u , throogb very roiigh and u n settled comiftry, was probably then, on m . longest way round. W. I KttlB SON OS OF WESTTEKN INDIA. It is not m«*y lo Ret the irordu or eouge in ihw pert uf India. The aim of the Dokhan— "thoffTare of ffimifr," ne the Hindust&nle enll it — are net uvu- fttry-Very attraetiroi ami tlw liMiRnage ia uiually 5 l>tSy«f,I&a *«tW MM b a lortanbnr crpro^inr the in«erticfjao» of ««• w^rahiapvr in «oJ, and prouuooe •" im ' i y "*" lhlD "* ™' 1 f k: ** , *" il I *hv

  • «t^4 f vt Jountpy of piety,

Thia woei I jirrf^ki ootuIdn-M ■ ptvmtdowi i nwaaiaa k 'perfett knowrj- Uah h^**]^ cvli^oot ia nfttraim- to ai luumladjrii uf tbo iKdty. JUL '" ■ P^" 1 *^ jrarw or latWltity, brn. erattai to the hiiheat, Lf. • tlw uii r axea," • Tb* Ufn «f Kborfljah Ifchl.l^Iin Nakahbeodi, who died a- o. ^»1 (1MB), awl appean nenr ia haro hrft BeWilrl-

  • em to tbi ftty4*i.«LttiM, p. r^v — r*' Iton-

bay lithoiBT. od. t Kvro*, Ld, i».