Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/107

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Anecdota. 97 ZHTEI2 Q nAPOAEITA TI2 H 2THAAH TIS o TYMB02 TIS AH EN TH STHAA H EIKQN NEoTEYKTOS YnAPXEY YIOS TPYOWNOS TOYNoMATAToS EXWN TE22APA KAI AEKETH AoAIXoN BIoToY 2TAA1E2 SA2 TOYGOnOTE OJN TEroNA STEAAH TYM BOS AIOOS EIKCON. Abridged from B. de Koehne, St Petersburg. In the Dec. No. p. 560, seq. M. Rossignol has corrected the last inscription. In the second line, for dfj should be read de, with the elision of the vowel. 2THAA...H should be 2THAAH ; the word twice occurs in the other lines with a double X. If M. de Koehne' s copy is exact, the stonecutter has made an A of the second A, and given the H as article to elicdv. In line 3, for vrrdpxev read vndpxei. In line 4, for raros t avros. In Welcker's Syll. Epigr. n. 96, a pentameter is similarly placed between two and three hexameters. Tpvqboav properly has the first syllable short. In v. 4, for a-Tabua-a-as read o-Tabievo-as. Philo (Vol. I. p. 328. 5) says : oTabievo-ai top filov. Teaa-apaKaideKen] should be read as one word, an adj. In V. 5, for rovff oirore <Sj/, read tovto itot cSv. The employment of the cursive id together with a, and the diphthong in irapohfira, bring the inscription as low as Hadrian's reign. The duplication of the X in 0T77XX77, and of the o- in aradieo-a-as, bring us to the reign of Septimius Severus. As cor- rected, the inscription will run : ZrjTeis, a> Trapodlra, tis 77 OT77X77, tis 6 rvpj3os, Tis S' ev rrj 0-777X77 eluav veorevKros VTrdpx^i ; Ylbs Tpv(pa>vos rovvop.a r avros e^ow Teo-o-apaKai8eKeTT) ddXt^ov ftiorov crTadievaas, Tovto ttot av, yeyova 0-777X77, rvpftos, idos, elov. With the fourth verse M. Rossignol compares Epicr. ap. Athen. xiii. p. 570 : 'En-cl de doXixov toIs ereo-iv ijdij rpex l > and the Append. Anthol. n. 148 : Aapirada yap <oas p.e dpapelv povov ijdeXe daip,a>v, Tbv de fiaKpbv yripas ovk eridet doixov. With V. 5, Aflthol. Pal. VII. 467 : Old es iabrifieiav yXdes, re/cos' avri de aelo 'S.raKa koi Kaqba Xeinerat ap.pi KOVlS.~ Vol. I. March, 1854.