Page:The Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Volume 1, 1854.djvu/145

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Contents of Foreign Journals.

Abhandl. d. Kb'nigl. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gottingen. Vol. v. (for 1850 and 1851). On the Phoenician views of the Creation, and on the historical worth of Sanchuniathon, by Ewald. On Herm. Korner and the Lubeck chronicles, by Waitz The buildings at Nimrud, with appendixes, On the theology of the Assyrians, On the names of Assyrian and Babylonian kings, On the general plan of the excavations, by Grotefend. On the tribute lists of the Obelisk and Nimrud, with remarks on the arrow-headed writing, by the same.

Fichte's Zeitschr. f. Philos. Halle. Vol. XXIII. Part II. Christology of Aris- totle (Christologische Ankldnge des A.). By Dr V. Mehring.

Gerhard's Denkm'aler, 1853. Nos. 56 and 57. Antiope and Dirke, (with plates), by Otto Jahn. No. 57. p. 106. Works of art relating to the Odyssey. A note by Panofka on the hilares Parces of Juv. xn. 64, seq.

Gott. Gel. Anz. 1853. No. 181. On Volckmar's Ueber Justin, d. M. u. s. w., by Uhlhorn. Nos. 184, 185. On Meyer's Komm. ub. d. Eph. Brief, by Holzhausen. No. 185. On Sauppe's Philodem. de vit. Lib. x. Leipz. Weidmann, by Schneidewin. No. 186. On Ewald's Gesch. d. Volkes Isr., by H. E. Nos. 194197. Spiegel's Gram, d. Pdrsisprache, by Dr Martin Haug of Tubingen. No. 197. Hertz's Gellius, (Teu- bner's Classics), by Lion. [Hertz is engaged on a critical ed. of Gellius.] Nos. 202, 203. A notice by Dorner of his Person Christi.Tt os. 203,204. Comment. Philol. in.. ..a C. G. Cobet, 8vo., Amst. Miiller, by Schneidewin. [In Herod, vr. 57, for the enigmatic rrraTpovxov irapQevov Cobet reads Trafxovyov, Dor. Trafiu>x ov (xvpios, Hesych.)] Nos. 206208. Meyer's Komm. ub. Matth. 3rd ed., by Holzhausen.

Heidelberger Jahrb. 1853. No. 55. On Origenis Philosophumena, &c. [A very slight notice : the anonymous writer thinks the book was a joint composition of Origen andHippolytus.] No. 56. OnBormann's altlatinische chorographie u. Stddtegesch.,bj Kortiim. [Speaks highly of its research.] Von Hammer's Literaturgesch. d. Araber. Hoefer's Zeitschr. f. d. Wissensch. d. Sprache. Vol. iv. pt. 1. System of Vocal Sounds, by K. Heyse. On the application of the words 0e'<ris and QeriKos in the grammarians, and on the appellation of the so-called positive degree, by Prof. Schmidt. On the strengthening of the prefix of Greek words (Verst'drkung des Anlauts, &c), by Savelsberg. On Latin Etymology [Aurora, aurum, uro, honos, onus, ninguo, pin- guis, unguo, orbis, urbs, urbum, venio],by Crecelius On the carmen fratr. arval. and on the change of c into g [as in ecclesia, tglise, crassus, low Latin grassus, Fr. gras,~ and on the change of ct into ft in the Romance language, by the same.

Illgen's Zeitschr. f. d. historische Theologie. 1854. No. 1. Hamburg and Gotha. On the fates of Augustinianism from a.d. 529 to the reaction of Gottschalk in its favour, by Wiggers. The controversy respecting Rahtmann, by Engelhardt The removal of the theol. faculty from TUbingen to Marburg, a.d. 1564, by Heppe.

Jahrb. des Vereins von Alterthumsfreunden im Rheinlande. (Vol. x. pt. 1.) The Ala Indiana, by Aschbach. Roman Antiquities in Cologne and inEifel, by Braun and Bergemann. Inedited inscription [Mercurio et Rosmerte(ae) L. Servandus Quietus ex voto in suo p.(osuit)] in the collection of M. Bandel at Worms, by Freudenberg. Corn. Verus Tacitus, by Braun On Rom. Inscr., by Becker.

Jahn's Jahrb. Vol. 68. part 4. On Bopp's Vergl. Gramm. (concluded in part 5), by Corssen. On recent mythological wOrks, by Preller. On Lhardy's Herodotus, by Dietsch On Muller's Platon's s'dmmtl. Werke, by Susemihl On Gumpach's Die Zeitrechnung d, Babylonier u. Assyrier, by Bahr On recent Essays on Homer, by